Saturday, June 8, 2013

A trale of though

Good morning!

I just found an interesting post in a rather small forum that is worth to be shared I think. 

The Author is talking about different aspects of painting miniatures. Some of those might be worth to always keep in mind for you. So why not taking a peek at it?

He also explain his thoughts by using some pictures to give his words more expression. Though...we all know that a picture tells more then words can do ;)

Here's just a small sneak peek for you, a comparison of the most famous painter in our world:

You don't know who has painted these? Just read the following article behind the link and find out, what binds these together. 


  1. How many Points do I get if i knew it was Picasso ? :-D

  2. 10/10 plus an additional point for being the first one helping the others out :)
