Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Let's get dirty: A small mud battle

It's been some days since my last post, but the upcoming summer keeps me away from painting in the dark and isolated basement. But I've found at least 2-3 hours to add some more color to my stalker. 

I really like how he turned out so far and am very(!) curious about his look after I've painted the big cape. As I'm going to paint that part with oil colors ill try to do enough pictures to create a small step by step for you. Either to help me where I've  made mistakes or to show you, how to do that - you can decide in the end ;)

Some time ago I've made some experiences (better experiments) on a small scaled vehicle, mainly to learn more  about creating rust and mud. This knowledge was used to add wet'n'dry mud to the boots of the stalker. 

First step was to apply a Matt varnish on the boots to add a lot of bright pigments, make sure to use enough to create some texture. Next step: Add gloss varnish to the lower parts and again add a decent amount of darker pigments. This area will later look like wet mud. Try to mix both pigments on your object to et a smoother transition. The bigger your surface the easier it is. 

In the end it should look like this:

Soon I can start painting his cape. It will be a pure joy! 

Thanks for reading,

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